A downloadable Pepes


RPG Game. My magnum opus from my videogame developer career, an unfinished game that I put a lot of effort to it to remember the good old times I had with my friends at my school :')


PepesAlfa.zip 32 MB
PepesUnityProject.zip 452 MB

Install instructions

It isn't finished so you need Unity 2020.1.15f1 to open it, edit it, play it and test it

All assets are in there, maybe someday I'll finish a TRUE Alpha Version

PepesAlfa.zip includes an executable file where you can play an early stage of the game (though its still far from where I left it)

PepesUnityProject its a backup from the project, you need Unity 2020.1.15f1, you can do whatever you want to it, enjoy

PS: Los quiero pepes.